If you are 90s born, walk into today’s classrooms and you will be astonished to see the changes technology has brought in education. Students bring their tablets, laptops, and other electronic devices to classroom. Most of the institutions have come up with browser security and firewalls including other measure to manage how students use technology. Managing new technology in the class can be exciting but difficult at the same time especially for teachers. Here are few good tips that can help you manage technology in the class and gain most of it.
Electronic Policy
Teachers with the aim of making the most of technology in their classroom should explain rules and make learners accept the rules and defined behavior. Absence of any rule or policy will cause disruption as learners may possibly distract themselves from class work. Every task must start from offline where students are taken through what is expected from them. It should be explained that the aim is to meet learning objectives and no to rob classroom fun. Have policies that include standards of file sharing file naming and tactics of doing projects and assignments.
Weighting Strengths of Students
Various schools are deploying new technologies. It is the responsibility of a tutor to learn along with students on how to use them. Learning about the new technology along with the students will create unity. Teachers should learn about students’ weaknesses and use material to improvise them. You as a tutor need to spend some time in small things that most learners understand while most of the time should be given to areas that students face difficulty in understanding. Tutors must stay ahead of the class because it will eventually help you have better understanding of learner’s difficulty in using technology.
Monitoring Class Progress
Time to time taking a walk in the class will help you monitor activities of learners. Young learners should be properly guided to use hardware. Besides a walk, classroom monitoring software can help teachers to monitor online activities of students. Administrative online portal can be of a big help. This method will allow tutors to have control over the classroom technology. Teachers monitoring the class technology should meet their instructional aims because they reinforce full usage of technology tools.
Use Non Disruptive Consequences
Digital devices can easily distract students that can cause negative impact on students if not monitored efficiently. You as a teacher if find your students browsing irrelevant content on their device, warn them. You can also take away their device and allow others to continue with their work. Students that get frequently distracted should be assigned extra work; it will help them stay busy.
Call Student’s Attention by Using Unique Repeated Phrases
When students are busy with their activities, it is often difficult to grab their attention. Teachers can help this situation by coming up with list of phrases. Phrase like “can I have your attention” used repeatedly can make learners respond immediately. Additionally, phrase like “one minute to save your work” alarm learners that they have little time to save their work.
Sometime classrooms lack technology; there is one computer, laptop or an iPad. But these days every kid beyond primary school has a Smartphone. Their smart phones can be used to keep them engaged. There is a range of amazing apps
like Excelngo that can help students you learn and have fun at the same time. Download amazing tutor apps from your play store and have you hands on easy learning.
Michael Kordvani is a guest writer on SANJU blog, Former Chief Editor and Head of SEO for Fueled, New Yorks' top ranked app development agency. He writes about exciting new technologies especially those beneficial to journalism
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