JAWS offers fellowships [US]

Women journalists can apply to attend a conference.

The Journalism and Women Symposium (JAWS) offers fellowships to the JAWS Conference and Mentoring Project (CAMP), for three days of training, networking and professional development.

This year’s JAWS CAMP will take place Sept. 20 to 22 in Williamsburg, Virginia.

The Boylan v NYT Fellowship is open to women journalists of color who have at least three years of professional experience.

The Emerging Journalist Fellowship is intended for women who have one to five years of professional journalism experience.

The fellowships cover transportation, lodging, conference registration and most meals.

The deadline to apply is June 28.

For more information, click stellanwofia.blogspot.com

Award seeks entries on media freedom [Somalia]

Early-career journalists and students can enter this contest.

The British Embassy in Somalia has launched the Young Somali Voices journalism prize.

The contest aims to highlight the importance of defending media freedom and demonstrate the key role that the media play in creating an inclusive and open society. 

Entries must be a photograph or a short video about a positive and unique story in Somalia.

The organizers are finalizing on the details of the prize, which may include mentorship/training opportunities outside the country.

The deadline is June 7.

For more information, click stellanwofia.blogspot.com

Arizona State University offers fellowship [Worldwide]

Professional journalists with at least seven years of experience can apply for this fellowship in Tempe, Arizona.

The Arizona State University seeks candidates for its Fellowship in Transdisciplinary Science. This year's focus is earth and space sciences.

The fellow will spend a month participating in related field work, workshops, conferences and offsite meetings and courses.

Applicants must have a demonstrated record of accomplishment in covering science, technology, environment or medicine in the national or international news media.

The fellowship provides a US$8,000 stipend and a budget for appropriate off campus activities and travel.

The deadline is July 1.

For more information, click stellanwofia.blogspot.com