Contest for photojournalists seeks entries [Russia]

Image result for RUSSIA JOURNALISMStaff and freelance photojournalists from the Russian Federation can apply for this contest.
The Alexander Efremov Report Photography Competition, organized by the Department of Information Policy of the Tyumen region, was established in memory of Russian photojournalist Alexander Efremov who died in 2000 while covering the war in Chechnya.
The categories include federal reporting, EcoWor, Hero of Our Time and more.
Winners receive diplomas, trophies and cash prizes.
The deadline is June 30.
For more information (in Russian), click here.

Reporting fellowship sends journalists to seven countries [Asia, Europe]

Image result for The Asia-Europe FoundationAspiring reporters ages 18 to 30 can apply for this program.
The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) seeks applicants for the 2017 ASEFEdu Young Reporter. Participants will travel through seven countries, covering the organization's 2017 calendar of projects on the theme of Access to Education and Employment.
The events will take place in Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Myanmar, Finland and South Korea. ASEF will cover travel costs to the project venue as well as accommodation and meals for the actual project dates.
Candidates must be from ASEM partner countries and have an excellent command of English.
The deadline is April 30.
For more information, click here.

Viral fact-checking contest seeks submissions [Worldwide]

Image result for ICFJJournalists and others are invited to submit creative solutions that turn fact-checking into engaging, visual and interactive stories.
The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ), with the support of the Craig Newmark Foundation, organizes the TruthBuzz: The Viral Fact-Checking Contest, a challenge that aims to invent new ways to help verified facts reach the widest possible audience.
The contest is accepting entries in any digital format and in all languages. Ideas can take the form of a digital-media creation such as a video, cartoon, graphic, animated GIF, photo, quiz, audio file, game and more.
The top three winners will receive cash prizes of US$10,000, US$5,000 and US$2,500, respectively.
The deadline is June 30.
For more information, click here.

Contests highlights reporting on rule of law [Worldwide]

Image result for journalism rule of lawJournalists from around the world can be nominated for reporting on the rule of law.
The World Justice Project hosts the Anthony Lewis Prize for Exceptional Rule of Law Journalism. The contest recognizes the work of journalists who have contributed to increased awareness and understanding of the foundational importance of the rule of law. 
Nominees can be from any country, but entries must be in English or have been translated into English.
The winner will receive US$10,000.
The deadline is May 28.
For more information, click here.

TRT World seeks fellows [Worldwide]

Image result for trt fellowsYoung journalists can apply for a fellowship in Istanbul, Turkey.
The Turkish Radio and Television Corporation - TRT World has launched a fellowship program. The TRT World Fellowship is an intensive program designed to develop, integrate and apply the skill sets of young talents from around the world in support of its newsroom.
Fellows will join the TRT World Team June 5 to Sept. 1, working in one of Turkey's newest channels. They will also take intensive language courses during the program.
The fellowship provides a travel scholarship, a stipend to cover the costs of living in Istanbul, TRT World accommodations, services and counseling. 
Candidates must be native in the English language and in the early stages of their career.
The deadline is May 30.
For more information, click here.

Fellowships to attend women symposium open [US]

Image result for women symposiumWomen journalists can apply to attend a conference.
The Journalism and Women Symposium (JAWS) offers fellowships that cover travel and registration to the JAWS Conference and Mentoring Project (CAMP), for three days of training, networking and professional development.
This year’s JAWS CAMP will take place Oct. 27 to 29 in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
The Diversity Fellowship seeks journalists who are traditionally underrepresented in newsrooms, including but not limited to women of color, journalists in the LGBTQ community and those with disabilities. 
The Betsy Wade Legacy Fellowship supports a working newswoman with at least five years of experience chosen for the commitment to diversity represented in her work and interests, and whose work reflects the value of journalism in safeguarding a democratic society.
The Next Step Fellowship is aimed at veteran journalists. The Entrepreneurial Fellowship helps a woman journalist move forward with an innovative journalism project. And the Emerging Journalist Fellowship is open to professionals in the early stages of their career.
The deadline to apply is May 15.
For more information, click here.