World Day of Information: IPC launches Nigerian Journalists’ Internet Rights Initiative (NJIRI), calls for safety of journalists Online

World Day of Information: IPC launches Nigerian Journalists’ Internet Rights Initiative (NJIRI), calls for safety of journalists Online
For immediate release, Thursday September 28th, 2017

As the global community marks the “International Day for Universal Access to Information” (IDUAI), today, the International Press Centre (IPC), Lagos-Nigeria has announced the launch of the “The Nigerian Journalists Internet Rights Initiative (NJIRI)”.

Director of IPC, Mr. Lanre Arogundade said the main objectives of the NJIRI are to defend Internet and digital rights as well as the safety of journalists online.
Mr. Arogundade explained further that the one-year campaign will aim to advance the right of freedom of expression for online journalists in Nigeria based on the premise that internet spaces and online platforms should be safe and free of institutional limitations for journalists and other media practitioners to use as mediums of information and engagement.

Mr. Arogundade said it was imperative to demand for the safety of journalists online on the occasion of the #AccessToInfoDay given the worrisome trend of indiscriminate attacks on journalists, bloggers and others.

He said these objectives accord with principles of #AccessToInfoDay given its relevance to the new 2030 Development Agenda, and in particular the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 16.10 which calls for ensuring public access to information and protection of fundamental freedoms.
NJIIRI is being supported by International Freedom of Exchange (IFEX), an international freedom of expression organization headquartered in Toronto, Canada. It is expected that through the project, the right to freedom of expression for online journalism in Nigeria is respected, protected and guaranteed within the medium and long term.

As part of the project a research report titled “Issues in frameworks, freedom of expression and Internet rights in Nigeria: A baseline research by the Nigerian Journalists Internet Rights Initiative (NJIRI)” has been commissioned and is being reviewed following which there will be a public presentation and dissemination to stakeholder groups in the freedom of expression community.

It is also envisaged that the research report would play a critical role in the NJIRI campaign as it shall serve as referral document for engagement with statutory bodies and related stakeholders groups under the NJIRI.

The IPC project recognizes that Universal access is central to the UN’s World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), which recognized the ambition of developing inclusive Knowledge Societies. “Accessibility” is also recognized as one of the four principles in UNESCO’s ROAM model of Internet Universality.

Universal access to information is bound up with the right to seek and receive information, which is an integral part of the right to freedom of expression. It is covered by Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Toyin Ayoade
Social Media/Communications Officer
IPC, Lagos-Nigeria
Tel: +234 (0) 8114503887
International Press Centre (IPC), Lagos, Nigeria
IPC is Nigeria’s foremost media capacity development organization. l l l Google+ : Ipc Ng

Photojournalism contest accepting entries [Worldwide]

Image result for Lucas Dolega AwardFreelance photographers reporting under risky conditions can apply for an award.
The Lucas Dolega Award will recognize a photographer who often works in dangerous or difficult circumstances demonstrating dedication to democracy and freedom of information.
Participants must submit a selection of 10 to 20 photos documenting a conflict, revolution, natural or sanitary disaster, or their consequences on civil populations. Coverage of any news relevant to the defense of freedoms and democracy will also qualify.
The winner will receive an endowment of EUR10,000 (US$11,839) and will have their work displayed at an exhibition in Paris and published in the Reporters Without Borders album.
The application deadline is Oct. 30.
For more information, click here.

ICFJ organizes regional workshop on future of journalism [Latin America]

Image result for International Center for JournalistsJournalists residing in Latin America with two to three years of newsroom experience and knowledge of data and investigative journalism can apply for this program.
As part of its Investigative Reporting Initiative in the Americas 2013-2020, in association with Connectas, the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) organizes the workshop "El futuro del periodismo: desafíos a la libertad de expresión e interrupción digital" (The future of journalism: challenges to the freedom of expression and digital interruption). 
The workshop will take place Dec. 1 to 3 in Panama City.
Participants will receive training on data visualization tools, collaborative journalism, digital security protocols, in-depth news with short videos, and more. They will also work on the prototype of a digital project that can be developed after the conference. The best project will receive an award of US$3,000 and additional online training.
Selected candidates will receive roundtrip tickets, accommodation and meals.
The deadline to apply is Oct. 22.
For more information (in Spanish) click here.

BuzzFeed offers Emerging Writers Fellowship [US]

Image result for BuzzFeedAspiring writers can apply for a four-month fellowship in New York.
BuzzFeed is accepting candidates for its Emerging Writers Fellowship. The program is designed to give writers of great promise the support, mentorship and experience necessary to take a transformative step forward in their careers.
Fellows work with BuzzFeed News’ senior editorial staff and receive a US$14,000 stipend. 
The deadline is Dec. 4.
For more information, click here

Media entrepreneurship program open [Asia, US]

Image result for Asian American Journalists AssociationFull-time and freelance journalists can apply for this program.
The Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) organizes Catalyst, a boot camp on how to fund and launch media products. The program will take place Nov. 9 to 11 in New York. 
Participants will learn how to transform ideas into products; develop strategies for finding product-market fit; legally incorporate an organization, pitch angel investors and venture capitalists; apply to incubators and accelerator programs; and navigate the foundation grantmaking process.
There is a US$400 program fee for AAJA members and US$600 for non-AAJA members, which includes workshops, meals and one-on-one mentoring sessions.
AAJA will provide US$500 travel stipends to a limited number of recipients.
The deadline is Oct. 6.
For more information, click here.