Community Listening and Engagement Fund available [US]

Newsrooms interested in using Hearken or GroundSource engagement services can apply for this fund.
The Lenfest Institute for Journalism, in partnership with the Democracy Fund, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and the News Integrity Initiative (NII), has launched the Community Listening and Engagement Fund (CLEF).
The grant program aims to help news organizations better engage with the public by subsidizing 25 to 75 percent of the cost of Hearken and/or Groundsource services for a year, which averages US$8,500.
Preference will be given to nonprofit journalistic entities, community-based for-profit media, international newsrooms with a U.S.-based fiscal sponsor and first-time partners of either Hearken or GroundSource.
The deadline is Feb. 16.
For more information, click here.

Workshop focuses on waste management [Latin America]

Journalists living in Latin American can apply for this workshop.
The Gabriel García Márquez Foundation for a New Iberoamerican Journalism (FNPI), the Regional Initiative for Inclusive Recycling(IRR) and the Latin American Alliance for Civic Technology (ALETC) organize the workshop "Investigar la basura" ("Investigating waste").
The workshop will take place March 12 to 17 in Bogotá, Colombia, with investigative journalist Daniel Lizárraga.
Candidates must have covered issues related to waste management or local news. They must submit a reporting proposal about the management of garbage in their cities and have the commitment of their employer to publish the proposed story.
Registration costs US$200. Participants will receive accommodation, airline tickets to travel to Colombia and international medical insurance.
The deadline to apply is Feb. 12.
For more information (in Spanish), click here.

Durham University offers scholarships to study in the UK [Palestine]

Palestinian students residing in Gaza or the West Bank can apply for a scholarship in Durham, United Kingdom.
The Durham Palestine Educational Trust offers two to three scholarships for a one-year master's degree program at Durham University.
Applicants must have completed a
degree at a university in the West Bank or Gaza before July 2017 and possess a certificate of English language proficiency acceptable to the course they wish to study at Durham University.
Successful candidates must return to the West Bank or Gaza at the end of their course and should be active ambassadors for Palestinians during their stay in Durham.
The scholarship covers the tuition, accommodation, living expenses and travel expenses. 
The deadline is Feb. 23.
For more information, click here.

Travel writing scholarships open [Worldwide]

Students and nonprofessional writers can apply for a scholarship.
World Nomads is accepting applications for its travel writing scholarships. Three aspiring writers will win a 10-day travel writing trip in May around Argentina.
The winners will attend a four-day workshop in Buenos Aires led by The New York Times and Outside magazine contributor Tim Neville. They will then travel to multiple destinations alone and document their trips.
The scholarships will cover airfare, accommodations and travel insurance. Each writer will also receive US$1,000 and a free tour courtesy of the Say Hueque.
Individuals from any nationality can apply, but interested applicants should have exceptional written English skills.
The deadline to apply is Feb. 28. 
For more information, click here.

News Agency seeks interns, fellows [US]

Journalism students and recent graduates who want to report on natural resources, the environment and community issues can apply for this program in Paonia, Colorado.
High Country News is a nonprofit news publication that focuses on issues facing the western United States. Every year, the magazine offers four to six internship positions. The next session runs from mid-July to mid-December.
The organization provides free housing and a US$220 weekly stipend for interns, and free housing and a US$375 weekly stipend for fellows. To help defray moving costs, an additional US$500 travel stipend is available upon successful completion of the internship.
For all positions, a bachelor's degree or equivalent and some prior journalism experience and/or education are preferred. Photographic experience and familiarity with audio and visual programs such as Final Cut Pro and Flash, as well as radio or video experience are all pluses.
The deadline is March 15.
For more information, click here.

Thomson Reuters seeks reporter [Brazil]

Journalists with at least five years of experience can apply for this position in Rio de Janeiro.
Thomson Reuters is hiring a senior correspondent to cover general news stories but also the energy and mining sector and the fund management industry.
The correspondent will produce multimedia reporting and bring to life the complexities of Brazil for a foreign audience.
The selected journalist should also possess a flair for investigative reporting. Fluent English is essential and knowledge of Portuguese is an advantage.
For more information, click here.