Rhodes offers scholarships [Worldwide]

Students from anywhere in the world can apply for a scholarship to study at Oxford University in England.

The Rhodes Scholarship, administered by the Rhodes Trust, is accepting applications for its global scholarships.

Scholarships are intended for outstanding students who are motivated to engage with the global challenges facing humankind and committed to the service of others and to the promotion of international understanding and peace.

Candidates must have a bachelor's degree and be fluent in English. 

The deadline is July 31. 

For more information, click Stellanwofia.blogspot.com 

Vacancy:Media Organisation seeks deputy editor-in-chief [France]

Experienced journalists can apply for this position in Paris. 

Socialter, a bimonthly magazine dedicated to showcasing changemaking initiatives, is hiring a deputy editor-in-chief.

The selected journalist will help the editor-in-chief in the preparation and production of the magazine and its special editions as well as oversee its online publication and communication.

Candidates must have newsroom and management experience as well as perfect knowledge of French and an ability to communicate in English. 

Apply now.

For more information, click Stellanwofia.blogspot.com 

JIAS offers Writing fellowship [Africa]

Journalists, academics, poets and other writers can apply for this fellowship. 

The Johannesburg Institute for Advanced Study (JIAS) is organizing its Sixth Writing Semester Feb. 1 to May 31, 2021.

The fellowship provides a quiet space for work, reflection and academic community-building in Johannesburg.

Fellow will receive accommodation, breakfast and lunch, access to the facilities of the nearby University of Johannesburg and a monthly stipend.

The deadline is July 15.

For more information, click Stellanwofia.blogspot.com 

New York Financial Writers’ Association seeks stories that spur positive change [US]

Journalists and organizations whose reporting on a business or financial topic spurred impact can apply for an award.

The New York Financial Writers’ Association organizes the Impact Award to recognize works that have a demonstrable impact on the world. 

Works may have been published any time as long as the impact occurred within the prior calendar year or in the recent past.

The winners are honored at an award ceremony in New York.

The deadline is June 30.

For more information, click Stellanwofia.blogspot.com 

Bitch Media offers fellowship [Worldwide]

Writers who are interested in feminism and social justice can apply for a remote, three-month fellowship. 

Bitch Media, a nonprofit feminist media organization, organizes the Bitch Media Fellowships for Writers.

The program consists of intensive writing fellowships whose goal is to develop, support and amplify emerging, diverse voices in feminist, activist and pop-culture media.

Possible subject areas include sexual politics, pop-culture criticism, technology and global feminism. The selected participants must produce a minimum of four online articles for Bitch Media in their topic area, in addition to at least one longform article for the magazine Bitch: Feminist Response to Pop Culture.

Fellows receive a US$2,000 stipend for the total duration of the program. U.S. citizenship or residence is not required to be a fellow. 

The deadline is June 30.
For more information, click Stellanwofia.blogspot.com