The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) is selecting proposals for its Bay of Bengal Organizational Grants.
The grants aim to support the generation of media reports on climate change, environment and natural resource management issues; disseminate news and information to the most vulnerable communities and policymakers; and boost the voices of marginalized groups (women, youth and indigenous people) who are most at risk of clim
ate change and environmental problems.
ate change and environmental problems.
Applications should include content production as well as some form of networking, knowledge sharing and/or capacity-building component in the Bay of Bengal region – specifically in the coastal regions of four Indian states ((Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, West Bengal) and coastal and floodplain areas of Bangladesh.
The typical grant will be for up to US$15,000 and support a one-year project.
The deadline is May 18.
For more information on how to apply, click here.
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