Mongabay Reporting Network calls for pitches [Latin America]

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Experienced journalists can send pitches on Amazon infrastructure issues.
Mongabay Reporting Network is looking for article pitches in Spanish and English about the wide-ranging environmental impacts of hydropower development and ancillary infrastructure development in the Amazon region, with a special emphasis on dam building projects in Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Brazil.
Stories focusing on the international financing of Amazon energy development by Chinese (Export-Import Bank of China, etc.), European and U.S. financial institutions and construction companies are also welcome.
Mongabay will negotiate all fees and contracts on a per-story basis. Completed stories will be paid per word, depending on journalist’s experience and complexity of the reporting. Stories will be published on and its Spanish language site. The Network will also offer a small payment to journalists who proactively get their stories republished in major third-party print media outlets.
Pitches will be received throughout 2017.
For more information, click here.