Associated Press seeks interns [Worldwide]
The Associated Press offers its Global News General Assignment Internship Program - a 12-week, paid, individually tailored training program for students who are aspiring cross-format journalists.
Internships are offered in six U.S. cities - Atlanta, Miami, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Washington - and nine international locations, including Bangkok, Berlin, Jerusalem, London, Mexico City, New Delhi, Rome, Rio de Janeiro and Tokyo.
Interns will contribute to AP’s text, video, photo and interactive reporting. Responsibilities include covering breaking news and completing a final enterprise project working across multiple formats that may be featured in many media outlets around the world.
The deadline is Dec. 10.
For more information, click here.
Young journalists competition Open [US]

The Livingston Awards for Young Journalists for local, national and international reporting are an all-media, general-reporting competition in the United States.
Journalists ages 34 and younger can enter works related to current events or new information about old events. Three awards of US$10,000 will be given to three journalists.
Works must have been published in 2017. Features and commentary are eligible.
The deadline is Feb. 1, 2018.
For more information, click here.
Design bureau offers free workshop on data visualization [Eastern Europe, Central Asia]

Design bureau "Verstak" and the Prague Civil Society Center are organizing the data visualization workshop "Vseyasno!" ("Everything is clear"), which will take place Jan. 10 to 14, 2018 in Prague.
The language of the program is Russian.
The organizers will cover travel and accommodations for selected participants.
The deadline is Dec. 7.
For more information (in Russian), click here.
Student Leaders Program seeks applications [MENA]

The Student Leaders Program is an intensive leadership training exchange program, which includes academic coursework and visits to local and regional community organizations in the United States.
The next program will be held June 27 to Aug. 1, 2018.
Students will be divided up among U.S. academic institutions where they develop leadership skills and expand their understanding of civil society, as well as the democratic process and how both may be applied in their home communities.
Expenses are fully paid by the U.S. Department of State.
The deadline is Dec. 14.
For more information, click here.
Immersive storytelling Program focuses on climate change [Worldwide]

The European Forest Institute and the Global Editors Network are launching Lookout360°, a six-month Climate Change Immersive Story Accelerator project that supports journalists produce immersive videos on climate change and people’s lives.
A total of 10 applicants will be selected to attend a bootcamp on cl
imate change storytelling as well as video filming and post-production in Finland. After the bootcamp, participants will receive mentorship to develop a story within a three-month period.
The final projects will be showcased at the GEN Summit May 30 to June 1, 2018 in Lisbon, Portugal.
The deadline is Dec. 18.
For more information, click here.
Media Organisation offers Fellowship Program [US]
Grist, a nonprofit environmental media organization, offers news, justice and video fellowships for March 2018.
Fellows work full time, making daily contributions to Grist’s editorial operations including (but not limited to) research, reporting, story ideas, writing and multimedia experiments. The news and justice fellows can choose to work out of Grist’s Seattle office or remotely.
The fellowship pays US$2,750 per month. Fellows must make a six-month commitment, with the possibility of an extension.
Writers, reporters and editors, as well as all-stars in fields such as video, audio and multimedia, are encouraged to apply.
The deadline is Dec. 29.
For more information, click here.
Turner Brasil :Vacancy exists for executive producer
Turner Brasil is hiring an executive producer in São Paulo.
Responsibilities include producing content for social media, recruiting agents and web talents, developing new projects with production companies and harnessing new media opportunities.
Candidates must have experience in video and digital media production, as well as knowledge of analytics, entertainment, music and film.
For more information click here.
M-NeT accepting applicants for academy [South Africa]
Film and TV graduates can apply for this internship program in Gauteng.
TV channel M-Net is selecting candidates for its Magic in Motion Academy class of 2018.
The yearlong program provides an immersive experience in key areas of TV and film creation, across different genres. This includes production commissioning, scriptwriting, concept creation, producing, directing, cinematography, sound, art direction, editing, post-production and broadcasting.
Selected candidates will be subject to credit, criminal and verification checks.
The deadline is Jan. 31, 2018.
For more information, click here.
Photo contest focuses on diabetes in pregnancy [China, India, Nigeria]
Photographers from India, China and Nigeria can submit works to this contest.
Women Deliver and the World Diabetes Foundation are organizing the "Diabetes in Pregnancy Photo Contest" to shine a spotlight on this epidemic.
Submissions must tell the story of someone who has experienced diabetes during pregnancy in some capacity.
Three photographers, one from each country, will receive US$1,000. Twelve photographers will receive US$250 as honorable mentions.
The deadline is Jan. 17, 2018.
For more information, click here.
Germany: Scholarships available for journalists [Europe, US]
The International Center for Journalism at the Freie Universität in Berlin offers two types of journalism scholarship October 2018 to July 2019.
The European Journalism-Fellowships Program allows participants to take a two-semester leave from their professional positions and spend a sabbatical year at the Freie Universität Berlin widening their knowledge while pursuing their research project.
The EJO Fellowship at European Journalism-Fellowships enables a journalist to become a temporary correspondent of the European Journalism Observatory. The fellow receives a monthly stipend of EUR1,100 for the duration of 10 months.
Applications must be in German or English.
The deadline is Feb. 28, 2018.
For more information, click here.
John Brown Media seeks copy editor [South Africa]

Journalists with at least three years of editing experience can apply for this position.
John Brown Media is hiring a digital copy editor in Capetown.
Responsibilities include editing a wide range of content across digital platforms, working within CMS platforms, implementing basic SEO and coordinating with designers and editors on production and workflow.
Candidates must be fluent in English and have sound knowledge of CMS publishing and digital production principles. Knowledge of basic HTML is an advantage.
The deadline is Dec. 1.
For more information, click here.
UNICEF contest seeks photo submissions [Kyrgyzstan]
Photographers from Kyrgyzstan can enter this contest.
The Civic Alliance for Nutrition and Food Security, with the support of United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund in Kyrgyz Republic (UNICEF), organizes the photo competition "Kyrgyzstan free from anemia."
Entries must have been taken in Kyrgyzstan not earlier than 2016 and reflect topics related to the prevalence of anemia in the country.
The winner will receive a cash prize of KGS15,000. The best photos will be selected for the mobile exhibition.
The deadline is Dec. 10.
For more information (in Russian), click here.
Training on innovation and digital formats open [Peru]
Escuela Convoca offers the workshop "Digital formats to innovate journalistic projects" Dec. 2 in Lima.
Participants will learn how to bring technology into their newsrooms, to transform traditional reporting into videos and podcasts, to integrate citizen applications into journalistic work, to do database research and add graphics to their work.
The cost is US$70 and includes registration, materials, certificate and a personalized half-hour online counseling that will be scheduled after the workshop.
The deadline is Dec. 1.
For more information (in Spanish), click here.
UN:Grants for media projects available [Worldwide]

The United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF) is inviting civil society organizations to apply for funding projects to advance and support democracy. Project grants range between US$100,000 and US$300,000.
Projects that are two years long are accepted. Project proposals must fall under one of the following main areas: gender equality; community activism; rule of law and human rights; youth engagement; strengthening civil society interaction with government; media and freedom of information; tools for knowledge; and electoral processes.
Proposals must be submitted online in either English or French.
The deadline is Dec. 20.
For more information, click here.
AIRP seeks entries for social impact journalism contest [Russia]
The Alliance of Independent Regional Publishers (AIRP), in partnership with Novaya Gazeta, is accepting entries for the "effective journalism" contest "Turn the light on."
Entries must raise awareness on important social problems and contribute to positive change and social impact.
Works must have been published between Jan. 1 and Dec. 1, 2017. Categories include "investigation", "problem" and project" (for newsrooms).
The winners in the "investigation" and "problem" categories will receive a paid internship in Novaya Gazeta. The organizers will cover travel and accommodation in Moscow during this internship.
The winner in the project category will be invited to the annual Summit of Regional Publishers.
Journalists with a good knowledge of English can qualify for a special prize – an internship in the international multimedia project Russia Beyond.
The deadline is Dec. 25.
For more information (in Russian), click here.
TV program seeks editor [China]
The independent pilot program "Visionaries," which will air on Phoenix Satellite Television, is hiring an editor in Hong Kong.
The editor will plan for the topics, conduct topic-related research, prepare for the interviews and write the scripts.
For more information (in Chinese), click here.
Havard: Investigative journalism competition open [US]
The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard is accepting entries for the Worth Bingham Prize, which honors investigative reporting of stories of national significance where the public interest is being ill-served.
These stories may involve state, local or national government, lobbyists or the press itself wherever there exists an "atmosphere of easy tolerance" that Worth Bingham described in his reporting on the nation's capital.
Submissions must have been published in a U.S. newspaper or magazine or on the newspaper or magazine’s website during the 2017 calendar year. Web-based news organizations that follow a strict code of journalistic ethics and publish original reporting on a regular basis may also submit entries. No broadcast-only entries are allowed.
The winner will receive US$20,000.
Submissions must be accompanied by a US$50 entry fee.
The deadline is Jan. 19, 2018.
For more information, click here.
Uranium Film Festival open [Brazil]

The International Uranium Film Festival, a traveling festival devoted to nuclear energy, will be held in 2018 in Rio de Janeiro. The festival is organized by Yellow Archives.
The competition is accepting submissions of feature-length and short-length films in all genres.
Films need not to be new productions. Topics must be related to the nuclear fuel chain, ranging from radioactivity and atomic bombs to uranium exploration, mining, processing, nuclear medicine and nuclear waste.
Winners will receive a trophy.
The deadline is Jan. 31, 2018.
For more information, click here.
IWMF seeks entries for photojournalism contest [Worldwide]
The International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF) is seeking nominations for the Anja Niedringhaus Courage in Photojournalism Award honoring AP photographer Anja Niedringhaus, who was killed in Afghanistan in April 2014.
The award recognizes women photojournalists whose work reflects the courage and dedication of Niedringhaus, and who exhibit extraordinary strength of character, bravery and perseverance in documenting the world.
Nominations must be in English and include 12 photographs that best represent the scope and style of their candidate’s work.
The winner will receive a cash prize of US$20,000 and her work will be showcased at the World Press Photo Festival of Visual Journalism in April 2018.
The deadline is Jan. 19, 2018. Self-nominations will be accepted.
For more information, click here.
Journalism students contest open [US]
The Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) presents the Mark of Excellence Awards, honoring the best in student journalism.
Entries will be first judged on the regional level. First place regional winners will advance to the national competition and will be recognized at SPJ spring conferences. National winners will be showcased on SPJ's site.
The categories include print, radio, television, art/graphics and online.
The contest is open to anyone studying toward an academic degree enrolled in a U.S. college or university in 2017. International SPJ student members may also enter.
The fee for SPJ members is US$10 per entry and for non-members, US$20 per entry.
The deadline is Jan. 11, 2018.
For more information, click here.
Training focuses on Google tools for journalists [Uruguay]
La Diaria Lab and Google News Lab are organizing a free workshop on Google tools for journalists. The training will take place Dec. 11 in Montevideo.
Participants will learn to use First Draft guides to verify information. They will also learn how to use Google Trends and to add maps to their pieces.
Registration is ongoing until spots are filled.
For more information (in Spanish), click here.
US embassy offers scholarships for journalism courses [Egypt]

The Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo has announced the 2018 Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs).
A group of 18 to 20 scholars will be selected to participate in eight programs. Scholars will take courses over six weeks beginning in or after June 2018 at a college, university, or institution in the United States.
The SUSI on Journalism and Media will provide a deeper understanding of the roles that journalism and the media play in U.S. society. Topics include rights and responsibilities of the media in a democratic society, editorial independence, journalistic ethics, legal constraints, international journalism and media business models.
Applicants must be proficient in English and have limited prior experience in the United States.
The deadline is Dec. 17.
For more information, click here.
Data journalism contest open [Worldwide]

The 2018 Data Journalism Awards (DJAs), run by the Global Editors Network (GEN) and sponsored by Google News Lab and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, will be awarding a US$1,801 prize to each of its 12 category winners.
The categories are data visualization of the year, investigation of the year, news data app of the year, data journalism website of the year, best use of data in a breaking news story, open data award, best individual portfolio, best data journalism team, innovation in data journalism, small newsrooms, student and young data journalist of the year, and public choice.
Submissions must have been published or aired between April 14, 2017 and March 26, 2018 and must be in English. Entries in languages other than English must be accompanied by a translation of the work.
The award ceremony will take place May 31, 2018 in Lisbon, Portugal, during the Global Editors Network Summit, an annual event hosting 500 editors-in-chief worldwide.
The deadline is March 26, 2018.
For more information, click here.
National Press Foundation seeks fellowship applications [US]
The National Press Foundation is accepting applicants for a fellowship to attend "Why Americans are working longer" on March 11 to 14, 2018 in Washington.
Topics include older workers and the labor market; new models for retirement; the future of Social Security and retirement savings; the gig economy; workforce discrimination; and how workers’ health impacts all of that.
The fellowship covers airfare, ground transportation, hotel costs and most meals.
The deadline is Jan. 8, 2018.
For more information, click here.
Vacancy exists in Caixin Global for journalists [China]
Caixin Global is looking for business reporters, a graphics editor with experience making charts and video as well as interns for its English newsroom.
Responsibilities include working closely with Caixin's Chinese reporters and editors to produce content with an eye on different expectations of domestic and foreign audiences.
Candidates must be fluent in Mandarin and have a strong command of written and spoken English.
For more information, contact Caixin Global at Hiring [AT] caixin [DOT] com or click here.
Embassy of the Netherlands offers grants for Media NGOS
Media non-governmental organizations can apply for this grant
The Embassy of the Netherlands is currently inviting non-governmental organizations to submit project proposals for Matra for European Cooperation Fund.
The programme, run by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “Matra for European Cooperation” focuses on activities that contribute to the development of a plural democracy, grounded in the rule of law, with room for dialogue between the government and civil society; to build capacity and strengthen the institutions of civil society and government, and to strengthen bilateral relations.
The programme will support initiatives in the following areas:
- Rule of Law
- Good governance
- Human rights
- Public awareness and media
For more information, Click here
World Journalist Fellowship seeks applications
Journalists can apply for this fellowship
The World Journalist Fellowship provides support to international journalists who enroll in one of graduate programs in journalism at the NYU’s Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute.
The Fellowship provides an opportunity for internationally based journalists to study in the Master of Arts program in Journalism at NYU’s Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute.
The fellow will enroll for the degree in one of the following areas:
- Business and Economic Reporting
- Cultural Reporting and Criticism
- Global and Joint Program Studies
- Literary Reportage
- Magazine Writing
- News and Documentary
- Reporting the Nation & New York
- Science, Health and Environmental Reporting
- Studio 20
The fellow will also receive a stipend of approximately $13,000 for each of the two semesters of the fellowship.
For more information, Click here .
Registration for Webinar on Facebook Content optimization Ongoing [Worldwide]

News University, the e-learning arm of the Poynter Institute, will host the webinar "Facebook for journalists and publishers" at 2 p.m. EST on Nov. 30.
Topics include how to optimize content for Facebook, what Facebook analytics measure and how to use them, a basic understanding of the Facebook algorithm and how to use Facebook groups to best advantage.
The course instructor is Daniel Scapusio, social media manager for The Palm Beach Post in West Palm Beach, Florida.
The webinar costs US$29.95 to attend. Registration is ongoing.
For more information, click here.
Training on infographics, data visualization open [Spain]
The UAM/El País School of Journalism organizes an intense training on infographic and data visualization for journalists Jan. 27, 2018 in Madrid.
Participants will learn the basics of simple and complex graphics, when it is appropriate to incorporate visualizations and what are the most common errors in doing so, among other topics.
The instructors are Rodrigo Silva and Antonio Alonso.
Registration is ongoing until spaces are filled. The cost is EUR100.
For more information (in Spanish), click here.
HKDI offers Seed Grants to filmmakers [China]
The Hong Kong Documentary Initiative offers a Seed Grants Program to support filmmakers with cash grants and mentorship.
Successful applicants will receive up to HKD150,000, one-on-one coaching, nine months of residency at the Journalism and Media Studies Center at the University of Hong Kong and free admission to classes by award-winning experts.
Projects, including both short and feature-length documentary films, need to be related to Hong Kong.
Priority is given to Hong Kong permanent residents who have previously produced at least one documentary film of not less than 15 minutes.
The deadline is Jan. 2, 2018.
For more information, click here.
Festival focuses on Nonfiction (Argentina)
Nonfiction festival "Basado en hechos reales" (Based on true events) will take place Nov. 30 to Dec. 2 in Buenos Aires.
The program will feature public interviews, debates and insights about the state and relevance of narrative journalism, documentalism and new digital storytelling platforms.
Argentine journalists Leila Guerriero, Martín Sivak and Cristian Alarcón will be among the speakers, as well as international participants, such as D.T. Max, Álvaro Longoria and Gabriela Wiener.
Registration is not required. Each panel will admit attendees until spots are filled.
For more information (in Spanish), click here.
Journalism training program open [MENA]

Thomson Reuters is accepting candidates for its Journalism Training Program for the Middle East and North Africa.
The program begins September 2018 with an intensive training in London, followed by a placement in a major bureau in the Middle East or Africa, such as Lagos, Nairobi, Dakar, Beirut, Cairo or Dubai.
Applicants must be able to demonstrate a commitment to a career in journalism, as well as fluency in Arabic or a language (apart from English) that is widely spoken in Africa.
The deadline is Dec. 22.
For more information, click here.
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Journalists and others with a project to ensure that artificial intelligence is used ethically and in the public interest can compete in th...
Journalists interested in covering immunization issues can apply to attend this training. The World Federation of Science Journalists (WFS...
The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ), in partnership with the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF), is recruiting for Ea...
Professional and amateur photographers living in Latin America can enter this contest. Escuela Nacional Sindical – Colombia organizes th...
African filmmakers can present their films for screening. The Rwanda Film Festival (RFF), also known as “Hillywood,” organized by the Rw...
Deadline: MAY 15, 2017 Journalists in developing or transitioning countries can apply for a fellowship to travel to the 10th Global I...
Journalists can submit stories in Portuguese and English to this award. The Brazilian Association of Automotive Engineering organizes the ...
Deadline : 12 October 2017 Applications are open for the fourth round of its Digital News Initiative (DNI) Innovation Fund in order to su...
Journalists worldwide working for news organizations in a business, technology or leadership capacity can apply for a fellowship at Harvard...
By Micheal Kordvani . Thanks to the growth of smartphone technology and applications it has never been easier to document your thoughts, i...