Rosenberg Fund for Children Grant: Providing Educational and Emotional Needs to Children in US

Deadline: 13 October 2017
Image result for Rosenberg FundThe Rosenberg Fund for Children is inviting applications for its Grant which provides educational and emotional needs to children (up to age 24) of targeted progressive activists, and youth (up to age 24) who are targeted activists themselves.
The RFC funds institutions and individual providers who support the values. Subject to their financial ability, the RFC will fund such things as: counseling; school tuition; camp tuition; cultural lessons; after-school programs; prison visits; educational or therapeutic travel; and post high-school books and supplies for college or other educational training.

Eligibility Criteria
ü  Applications may be submitted by parents, custodians, and guardians to benefit children (under age 18) in the United States whose parents’ pursuit of progressive values has left them unable to fully provide for that child as a result of being targeted as outlined above.
ü  The young adult children (ages 18-24) of targeted activists may submit applications on their own behalf.
ü  Applications may also be submitted by or on behalf of targeted activist youth (under age 25) whose targeting has resulted in a significant adverse life impact.
ü  Although RFC usually receive applications from parents on behalf of their children, in special cases (for instance when anonymity is required for personal safety) they accept applications directly from a program or provider on behalf of a group of young people who meet their granting guidelines.
How to Apply
Eligible applicants can apply via given website.
Eligible Countries: United States
For more information, please visit Rosenberg Fund for Children